Renault-Nissan Alliance Team
Twizy available in Lyon Bluely Car-Sharing service

Twizy, Renault's all-electric two-seater, is now available to users of the Bluely car-sharing service in Lyon. Inclusion of Renault Twizy in the Bolloré group's car-sharing network, alongside Bolloré's Bluecar, extends the scope of the service offered to customers.
- 30 Renault Twizys in the Bluely car-sharing fleet
- First concrete outcome of the Renault-Bolloré joint venture formed in 2014
- 110 Renault Twizys in Bluely (Lyon) and Bluecub (Bordeaux) fleets by the end of 2015
First outcome of Renault-Bolloré joint venture
Subscribers to the Bluely car-sharing service can now drive one of the 30 Renault Twizys available in the Lyon region network. By the end of 2015, there'll be 110 Twizys in the Bluely (Lyon) and Bluecub (Bordeaux) networks, along with Bolloré's Bluecars.
Inclusion of Renault electric cars in the Bolloré car-sharing fleets is the first concrete outcome of the partnership signed by the two French groups in September 2014 (see text box). A joint venture was formed under the partnership with the purpose of developing full electric vehicle car-sharing solutions.
“Twizy Bluely is the first concrete result of our partnership with Group Bolloré on car sharing and electric vehicle usage. It addresses the twin challenges of urban transport and air quality,” notes Renault's Philippe Buros (Senior Vice-President, market area France).
The Twizy Bluely fleet will be serviced in the expert hands of the Renault Retail Group's Lyon Sud dealer network.
Renault Twizy, ideal for car-sharing applications
Twizy offers customers of the Bluely car-sharing service an extended usage scope: Renault's two-seater electric vehicle is fun and exceptionally manoeuvrable owing to its tiny footprint (just 2.3 m long by 1.24 m wide).
Renault Twizy underwent two main adaptations for compatibility with the Bluely charging terminals. First, it carries a device developed by Bolloré for connecting to the subscription and call-centre system of the Lyon region car-sharing service. Second, the usual Twizy charging cable is replaced by a female connector, taking the cable from the Bluely charging terminal, as for the Bluecar. The Twizy Bluely charging time is up to three and a half hours (for full charge).
Read more from the press release here.
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