Picture : Sergei Guriev, Young Global Leader from 2006 to 2011, Rector at the New Economic School (Russia)
Today in Davos, we're feeling rejuvenated by the energy and enthusiasm of youth. We've been meeting some of the young shakers and movers who are bringing their fresh ideas to the Forum and who could well rank among the world's most influential leaders in the years to come.
While the current crop of global politicians and CEOs may be the main focus of media attention at Davos, the World Economic Forum is also about investing in a future generation of decision makers, and several multi-stakeholder communities are linked to the Forum to promote up-and-coming talents.
The Global Shapers, for example, is an international network of Hubs developed and led by young people who help make an exceptional contribution to their communities. Global Shapers are nominated before their 30th birthday and are an extremely diverse group in terms of demographics, geographical areas and sectors.
The Zurich Hub has just pioneered an initiative to equip the Swiss financial capital with a fleet of zero-emission Nissan LEAF taxis, demonstrating that the community is not only about creating hope for the future; it's about channelling members' collective energy to create positive change now.
Another organisation that works closely with the World Economic Forum is the Young Global Leaders. Members are nominated for a five year period before their 40th birthday and are selected for their potential as future leaders, as well as their track record for serving the community at large.
With over 700 members, the Young Global Leaders are involved in virtually all of the meetings, research and initiatives of the World Economic Forum. Past YGLs include David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Larry Page, Co-Founder and CEO of Google, proving that the community can be a powerful platform for launching future leaders.
As with the Global Shakers, Young Global Leaders aim to bring change to a whole range of different areas. Needless to say, the community has implemented special task forces dedicated to sustainability and urban mobility. We expect to hear a great deal more from these young talents in the years to come.
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