Entrepreneur and environmentalist Rob Wilder uses solar energy from his home to power his zero-emission Nissan LEAF and explains how other Renault and Nissan electric vehicle owners can do the same thing.
"I love cars: always have, always will! When they get our whole family where we need to be, are great driving fun - plus even save us $$ long term - I love them even more!
Note then my wife & I have now been living with, and hauling our kids around in our affordable and spry 4-door Nissan LEAF. A year and a half on this experience has convincingly shown us great reasons to love a fresh option for your next car: go pure-electric.
For many like us, there’s an opportunity too to supply not just any old sort of electricity, but to provide clean abundant solar to power your Nissan LEAF.
One way to think about it is the savings. Recently, I saw a report claiming an average American may spend some $100,000+ over their 50 years of driving, just for gasoline. That fuel cost assumes 12,000 miles per year; gas at $3.50 gallon and near current fleet average of 20 MPG, this means 600 gallons, or $2,100 per year – over 50 years.

Consider then on Nissan’s LEAF today and other electric vehicles including Renault’s Fluence Z.E., Kangoo Z.E., there’s the chance to get into electrics … to use solar power as fuel - and save money to boot!
For example our solar system here that cost $15,000 after rebates, is now past payback. This means we power our car and much of our home… for free! Given costs we avoided in not paying for gasoline, and not buying power for our home, we reached payback after about 8 years. We are now getting our fuel from Mr. Sun and for free!
That original $15,000 has also been fully amortized, so this solar system is today free for us. Fuel we get daily for our LEAF is delivered by the sun, without charge. Compared to gas, I simply think this makes far greater sense and only gets better over our lives.

The Renault-Nissan Alliance deserves enormous credit in my book for making such a huge bet on electrics. It did so when other carmakers were unwilling, and now deservedly is earning first-mover advantage as a leader in affordable electric cars and vans.
As my wife says of our much-loved Nissan LEAF, it’s better than she ever thought it would be. Kudos Renault-Nissan!"
Dr. Rob Wilder