A far-reaching program designed to integrate France’s poorest citizens back into work has been launched by Renault. Called Renault MOBILIZ, it’s a unique social/business initiative that aims to make motoring more accessible for those who can’t afford a car.
It is estimated that as many as eight million people in France live below the poverty line. Because they cannot afford to buy, run or maintain a car – and especially if they live in rural areas with poor public transport facilities – their lack of mobility means it is difficult, if not impossible, to find work or to fully enter society. And without work, they’ll stay in poverty… it’s a vicious circle.
Renault MOBILIZ, which was officially unveiled by Chairman Carlos Ghosn on 11 July, will become an essential part of Renault’s corporate social responsibility efforts.
Sustainable mobility is vital to an individual’s economic development and his or her social integration. Indeed, a lack of mobility is the fourth biggest hindrance to finding a job behind housing, health and training.
By joining forces with established French campaigning organisation Voiture & Co, Renault MOBILIZ will develop new mobility concepts, such as car-pooling, micro-community transport, ultra low-cost car hire and help in getting a driver’s licence.
The scheme will actively encourage Renault dealers and service outlets to develop affordable service and repair schemes for the less well-off, while it will also offer financial help to organisations developing innovative mobility solutions for people facing social and financial difficulty. Profits made by MOBILIZ Invest s.a.s – led by a €5 million investment from Renault – will be reinvested in specific mobility projects.
And to encourage sharing of knowledge and dialogue on social business projects, Renault has become a partner of the ‘Enterprise and Poverty’ Social Business Chair at the École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris, one of the foremost business schools in Europe.
According to Carlos Ghosn: “The objective of Renault MOBILIZ is to bring to people in precarious situations, the resources to become autonomous and thereby help them reintegrate into the social and professional world. The program will enable Renault to strengthen its local presence and open the way to new economical and innovative mobility solutions.”
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