Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Alliance’s ambition to be zero-emission world leader

Alliance’s ambition to be zero-emission world leader

The Alliance partners have an ambitious target to be the world’s leading provider of zero-emission vehicles by 2016 with cumulative sales of 1.5 million vehicles.The ambition is set out in Nissan’s new mid-term environmental plan, announced today, and comes as Renault begins sales across Europe of its Fluence Z.E. and Kangoo Van Z.E. and as sales of Nissan LEAF approach their first anniversary.

It was also announced that Nissan will lead the Alliance’s development of an all-new fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) together with strategic partner, Daimler. Nissan’s third environmental plan, called Nissan Green Program 2016 (NGP 2016) sets out a wide range of other objectives too. President and CEO Carlos Ghosn, announcing NGP 2016, said that 70% of Nissan’s annual research and advanced engineering budget will be spent on environmental technologies. The plan goes much further than zero-emission vehicles.

It targets a 35% fuel economy improvement compared with 2005 on a corporate average for all Nissan vehicles sold in Japan, China, Europe and the US. It promises a 20% reduction per vehicle of CO2 emission of corporate activities compared with 2005. And it underlines Nissan’s commitment to recycling by pledging to raise the usage rate of recycled materials to 25%.

"More consumers are demanding products in line with their values, including cars and trucks with a lower carbon footprint. At the same time, we are using technology to make our factories greener and more efficient," said Ghosn. "Nissan wants to be part of the solution toward a sustainable society - for the sake of the planet and as a significant competitive advantage and a strategic differentiator in the global manufacturing sector."

You can find out more about Nissan Green Program here:



And to find out more about Renault’s upcoming Fluence Z.E. and Kangoo Van Z.E. click here:




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