General conditions


The Renault-Nissan Alliance has created the "" website (©Renault-Nissan BV 2010 - all rights of reproduction and representation reserved) for private use only. By using this site, you agree to comply with the general conditions for access and use set out below (“General Conditions”) and all applicable legislation. When you access, consult and use the site, you unconditionally accept the General Conditions, which shall prevail over any other agreement you may have with RENAULT and NISSAN or the members of its commercial network.

Intellectual property rights
Passwords and access codes
Personal and other data
Terms of use
Hypertext links
Limitation of liability
Applicable law
Updating the General Conditions

General information
Publication director:
Rachel Konrad

Editorial director:
Mia Nielsen
This website was published by:
Renault-Nissan Alliance Communications
13/15, quai Alphonse Le Gallo

This website was created by:
146 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris

Intellectual property rights
Royalties and/or rights to Designs and Models
The works made available to you via the website, which are protected by copyright and/or rights to designs and models, may be reproduced or represented on any media, in particular on paper or IT media, strictly for information purposes only. No commercial use may be made of these works. Noncompliance with these intellectual property rights constitutes an infringement of the law. Violators are subject to two years' imprisonment and/or a €150,000 fine.

Trademark rights
The RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE brand name, RENAULT NISSAN-ALLIANCE logo, the names of the vehicles in the RENAULT and NISSAN range and all associated products and services are RENAULT and NISSAN registered trademarks.
Other brands may also be cited; they can generally be identified by a capital letter. They are used by RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE either with authorisation of the holder or in compliance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle).
The reproduction, imitation, use or affixing of these brand names without the prior consent of Renault-Nissan Alliance or the respective owners of the brand names constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights. Violators are subject to two years' imprisonment and/or a €150,000 fine.

Passwords and access codes
During the registration procedure, you must enter an account name and a password. You alone are responsible for keeping this account name and password confidential and for all the activities carried out on your account and/or by using your password. You must inform Renault-Nissan Alliance immediately of any unauthorised use of your account and/or password and make sure that at the end of each session you disconnect properly. Renault-Nissan BV shall not be held liable for any loss or damage arising out of your failure to abide by these obligations.

You are entitled to change your password at all time by editing your details once logged in.

Personal and other data
You must obtain RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE’s express consent to consult this website by means of the aforementioned registration procedure.

To this end, you must enter your name and provide personal information about yourself and deliver your true identity.

Should you provide false information or incomplete information, RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE is entitled to reject your application or close your account.

Once your application is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email from RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE.

The information you supply will be treated as confidential and RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE undertakes not to disclose such information to third parties, unless required to do so pursuant to the applicable provisions of French law, in particular data protection act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978.

Personal data
The personal information collected by means of the registration form (surname, first name(s), e-mail address, etc.) is essential for answering your requests for information, to send you the RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE newsletter (e-mail newsletter) as well as information concerning updates to the site.

This information shall be used solely by RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE for the communication of information. RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE undertakes to refrain from using any data or parts of any data collected for commercial purposes without giving you advance notice.

This information is confidential and shall be kept by RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE. In accordance with Article 34 of French data protection act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access and rectify the personal information about you by contacting us:
- either at the following e-mail address:
[email protected]

- or at the following postal address:
Direction de la Communication
13/15 quai Le Gallo
92109 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex.

Non-personal data
Non-personal data you provide concerning your preferences, your interests and your tastes is used to offer you services that are most suited to your requirements.

We may obtain information automatically. This information cannot under any circumstances be linked to a particular person. This information concerns the type of internet browser that you use, your computer system and the name of the domain by which you accessed our site.

When you visit our site, cookies may be planted on your computer. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your browser by a server and stored on the hard drive of your computer. Generally, it records information about the way your computer navigates round our site (which pages you looked at, date and time, etc.), which we can read next time you visit.

You can prevent cookies from being recorded by referring to the guidelines for your browser.

You can also delete the cookies one by one at any time by referring to the instructions for use of your computer.

If you accept our cookies, they will remain stored in your computer during five years, unless you remove them. Please note that by refusing our cookies, the use of the website could be limited.

Terms of use
The Blog of RENAULT-NISSAN is the official blog of the RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE, with comments from registered users. In order to participate to the Blog of RENAULT-NISSAN you must register. Currently we offer subscriptions to external audiences with a professional interest in the auto industry.
As soon as you receive the authorisation from RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE to participate to the blog, contributors are asked not to post any contents that:

  • are defamatory,
  • are insulting, harmful or threatening to others
  • conduce to discrimination towards others due to their origin, their ethnic identity, race, or religion
  • are violent, obscene or pornographic

RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE reserve the right to remove any posts that violate these terms or if they offend us or other members.

The contents posted on are moderated to make sure the Terms of Use are respected.
RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE is entitled to suspend, reject or delete at all time posts that do not respect these terms.

Hypertext links
Setting up a hypertext link of any type whatsoever to Renault RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE’s website is strictly prohibited.

RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE shall under no circumstances be held liable for providing hypertext links to sites from the website and shall not be responsible for the content of such sites, or the products or services etc. available on these sites or by using such sites.

Limitation of liability
You visit the site at your own risk. Under no circumstances will RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE, its subsidiaries or any members of its network be held liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, including damage to property, loss of data or programs, or financial loss, which results from the access to or use of this site and its contents (texts, images, photos, videos, sound, etc.) or of any related sites. The contents of this site are presented without any guarantee of any kind whatsoever.

Access to the services presented on the site may be subject to restrictions. You must therefore make sure that the law of the country from which you have made the connection permits you to access our site.

Applicable law
These General Conditions shall be governed by French law. The French version of these General Conditions shall be authoritative. In the event of a dispute, the French courts alone shall have jurisdiction in this respect.

Updating the General Conditions
RENAULT-NISSAN ALLIANCE reserves the right to modify and update the General Conditions and access to the site at any time. You agree to be bound by any such variations and new versions. You must therefore refer to these pages regularly to check the General Conditions.


© Renault Nissan bv - 2010