Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Car sharing service featuring Nissan's ultra-compact electric vehicle launches in Japan

Car sharing service featuring Nissan's ultra-compact electric vehicle launches in Japan

YOKOHAMA, Japan - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and the City of Yokohama are introducing a round-trip car sharing service today featuring the Nissan New Mobility Concept, an ultra-compact electric vehicle.

The service, “Choimobi Yokohama,” enables users who register online to pick up and return cars in 14 locations around Yokohama Station. Cars can be reserved 30 minutes in advance and can be driven within the city.

The service costs 250 yen per 15 minutes plus a 200 yen basic charge, with a maximum daily charge of 3,000 yen. Users need a Japanese driver’s license, a smartphone and a Japan-issued credit card. Registration is available on the Choimobi website.

Nissan and the city of Yokohama previously conducted a two-year trial of Japan’s first one-way car sharing service using ultra-compact electric vehicles, starting in October 2013. The aim was to encourage low-emission transport options, improve the quality of transportation and promote tourism.
In October 2015, the partnership began renting cars to local tour operators and businesses. 

Read the full story: here
