Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Electric vehicle technology to power new Nissan office in Europe

Electric vehicle technology to power new Nissan office in Europe
  • Nissan’s new office in France to house largest grid-integrated energy hub, powered by Nissan electric vehicle technology
  • 100 vehicle-to-grid chargers to form largest ever grid-integrated EV system
  • 64 Nissan LEAF batteries to power stationary energy storage system
  • Nissan explores rolling out technologies at other European sites
Nissan today announced that its new regional office in France will house the largest grid-integrated electric vehicle (EV) system and second life battery storage unit ever installed in a building, anywhere in the world.
As the pioneers of the Nissan LEAF, the world’s best-selling 100% electric car, today’s announcement is representative of Nissan’s commitment to pushing its expertise in EV and battery production to the next level. The company is developing an ecosystem of technologies that work seamlessly together to create sustainable and efficient solutions for the future.
It also marks an important step in the company’s plans to make its Intelligent Mobility vision a reality in Europe. The integration of this technology is a clear demonstration of how cars in the future can be connected to social infrastructure such as road, information and electric power networks, and brings to life the vision’s third pillar – Intelligent Integration.
The new building will feature 100 vehicle-to-grid chargers, from Nissan’s partner ENEL, allowing Nissan’s range of EVs to plug in and draw down energy from the grid at off-peak periods with the ability to “sell back” the stored energy to the grid. 
The company hopes to extend this innovative battery technology to other major Nissan sites and facilities around the world over the next few years. The systems which will be installed at Nissan’s new French office will serve as a live test case of what can be achieved when electric cars are used to their full potential. 

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