Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Nissan joins push for integrated transport system powered by electricity

Nissan is a founding member of a pressure group that aims to speed up the electrification of an integrated transport system across Europe. 

The Platform for the Electrification of Surface Transport is made up of 11 companies and associations from across industries and transport modes united by two aims: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport and to reduce Europe’s dependence on imported oil.
Covering all forms of transport – buses, trains, cars, vans, bikes and scooters – as well as trade associations representing battery makers, infrastructure providers and public transport organisations, the Platform’s vision is for fully electrified door-to-door multimodal transport solutions.
At its inaugural event, held this week in Brussels, the Platform laid out its response to the European Commission’s 2011 Transport White Paper that set a target for a 60 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. Among the speakers was Olivier Paturet, General Manager, Zero Emissions Strategy, for Nissan in Europe.
The 11 members are all convinced that a move to greater use of electric transport holds the key to reaching this target which, as well as improving air and noise quality in urban areas, will strengthen energy security in the decades ahead. 
The Platform also believes that greater electrification should mean more jobs across the entire economy and not just in the vehicle manufacturing sector.
Gesine Meissner, an MEP at the inaugural event, said: “This is an exciting prospect for European citizens and businesses, with significant growth and employment prospects.”

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