Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Renault and Eco2charge working to deploy charging infrastructure

Renault and Eco2charge working to deploy charging infrastructure

The Eco2charge consortium coordinated by Bouygues Energie & Services launched last Thursday, 18 September, an R&D program at the Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (National federation of public works), 3 rue de Berri, Paris 8, to accelerate the deployment of charging solutions for electric vehicles.

This project draws upon the expertise of partners in different sectors for the development of electric mobility: Actility, Alstom, Bouygues Energie & Services, CEA, Embix, Nexans, Renault and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

This collaborative innovation aims to turn tertiary sites equipped with charging infrastructure into fully fledged energy ecosystems grouping power generation, consumption and storage on an interactive basis.

These local “Smart Grid” loops will deliver an optimal charging service for users, while limiting the costs of infrastructure, civil engineering, subscriptions and the energy impact of the site on the electricity distribution network. The ambition of the Eco2charge project is to develop and market a full solution within the next three years.

For more information, go to Eco2charge's website (in French). Read more from the press release here.


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