Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Report following earthquake

Report following earthquake

Forecasts on Production

As an update to previous reports regarding the recent earthquake’s impact to Nissan and our affiliates’ facilities, the following is the latest update on our manufacturing operations. Additionally, taking into account the severity of the situation, Nissan will make its utmost efforts to provide support to restoration activities.

Fully cooperating with the Government’s request to place national priority on securing electricity for areas in need, Nissan and its group companies will proactively take measures to conserve electricity usage in all of its activities.


Forecast on future production

- Tochigi Plant, Iwaki Plant

Suspending operations until Friday, March 18

- Oppama Plant, Kyushu Plant, Nissan Shatai, Yokohama Plant

Suspending operations until Wednesday, March 16

Humanitarian Efforts

Nissan earlier announced that it will donate 30,000,000 yen to the NGO Japan Platform, and that it would study further relief efforts. The following contributions are being considered:

- Complimentary provision of vehicles, such as trucks and forklifts

- Donation of medical supplies and daily commodities, such as blankets, antiseptics and masks

- Gift matching donation from Nissan employees

- Promotion and support of blood donation activities

Electricity Conservation Activities

- Suspension of air-conditioning at Global Headquarters (GHQ) and Nissan Technical Center (NTC)

- Closure of all “Nissan Gallery” locations in Japan (GHQ, Sapporo, Ginza (Tokyo), Nagoya, Fukuoka) until March 18

- Blackout of all dealership signboard lamps and lowering of lighting intensity inside showrooms


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