Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Slovakia launches new east-to-west rapid charging network

Drivers in Slovakia now have more reason to go electric following the opening of a rapid charging network across the country from east to west. As an added incentive, anyone who buys a compatible electric car before August will be able to use the new charging network for free.

Installed and operated by GreenWay, the 15 CHAdeMO rapid-charging stations have been strategically placed along 400 km (250 miles) of main roads between Košice in the east and Bratislava, the country's capital, in the west. To mark the launch, ten Nissan LEAFs made the journey between the two cities before being delivered to customers around the country.

Electric vehicles are still relatively rare in Slovakia, and GreenWay has been a key player in promoting their cause. The company is best known for its innovative battery swap solution for vans, but it also leases EVs to businesses through its Easy Electric service, which proposes a fixed monthly fee for vehicle rental, access to the charging infrastructure, electricity and insurance.

As well as encouraging Slovaks to adopt EVs, the new network opens the country up to EV travelers from neighboring countries such as Austria, where there is already a well-established charging infrastructure.

More information is available here or at GreenWay.sk.

Picture credits: Transport Evolved


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