Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

TEDGlobal attendees "Think Again" about EVs

At least 200 attendees have taken either drives or rides in the fleet of Alliance electric vehicles at TEDGlobal 2013 in Edinburgh.

And the reactions to the cars – Nissan New LEAF, Renault Zoe and Renault Twizy – have been overwhelmingly positive. Whether or not they’ve braved the Edinburgh traffic from behind the wheel or one of the passenger seats – or have simply had a quick spin around the car park – all have been impressed.

Dave Flynn, who leads the team looking after the cars, said: “In general people seem to be surprised at how easy it is to drive, how quiet it is and how quick it is.

The theme of TEDGlobal 2013 is ‘Think Again’ and that’s certainly what the Alliance is suggesting drivers should be doing, by considering an electric vehicle if it suits their driving needs.

According to Philippe Schultz, Renault’s Expert Leader, Environment, Energy and Raw Materials, nearly 100,000 customers globally have already bought electric vehicles from Renault and Nissan.

This is the start of a transport revolution. As those who have driven the cars around Edinburgh have discovered, they are fun to drive, perhaps even more fun than a conventional car.

Speakers and attendees at TEDGlobal are some of the planet’s brightest minds. And that means it’s the perfect place to demonstrate how easy it is to ‘Think Again’ when it comes to sustainable personal mobility.

Photo credit : Ryan Lash


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