Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

TeRRA: a glimpse of a fuel cell future

A little piece of tomorrow has landed on the Nissan stand at the Paris Motor Show, which runs until 14 October in the French capital. It’s the futuristic Nissan TeRRA, a four-wheel drive SUV concept that has a number of distinctive features.

We spoke to visitors at the show to see what they thought of the car. Thanks perhaps to its wide opening doors with no central door pillar they thought it looked very futuristic.

 But they were mostly interested in its advanced powertrain. For TeRRA is a fuel cell electric vehicle, using hydrogen to generate electricity on board. The only emission is water, meaning TeRRA can go almost anywhere, on and off-road, without harming the environment. The only question left unanswered is when it might be become available to buy.

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