Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Twizy Cargo: a Twizy for business users

A new Twizy to go further…
Twizy Cargo is an eminently functional vehicle developed by Renault Tech in cooperation with Renault Sport Technologies. It has the huge advantage of a watertight boot with a capacity of 180l (75 kg), accessible via a rear door that opens to 90°. This conversion was made possible by adapting the cut-out of the rear end and doing away with the passenger seat. The front seat is still moveable, and the door features a locking system that works with the ignition key.
The ultimate urban vehicle and now an LCV, Twizy Cargo is aimed primarily at delivery or express firms, such as lift operators, postal services and emergency services. Highly visible, it can be fitted with decals and customized.
In terms of safety, this compact vehicle has features worthy of a conventional vehicle, with a protective cabin, 4-point seatbelt and airbag.

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