Welcome to the Blog of Renault-Nissan Alliance

Welcome to the Blog of Renault-Nissan Alliance

What is the Renault Nissan-Alliance? Why has it proved to be the most enduring and successful of any partnerships within the auto industry?  Where will it be at the end of this decade? Until now we haven't really shouted about the Alliance’s successes – successes achieved when similar automotive partnerships have failed.

What are the lessons of the Alliance? What can others, not just in the auto industry but in other global industries, learn from the Alliance?
We are going to start to give you some answers with this new blog. More than answers – a real insight into what makes the Alliance work.

We’re entering one of the most exciting times in the auto industry’s history with the widespread launch of electric vehicles for the mass market, a true motoring revolution. The Alliance will be at the forefront of this revolution which is one of the reasons we have decided to launch this blog at this time.

But there is much more going on with the Alliance in India, Korea, South America, Mexico, Russia… as well as our mature markets.

Each week we will bring you our thoughts on key issues and developments. We appreciate you comments and feedback and will try to answer any questions you raise after reading the blogs.

Remember you have to be registered on the site to post comments.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Simon Sproule
Director Communications, Renault-Nissan Alliance


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