Nissan LEAF, the award-winning pure electric vehicle, can do a great deal more than get you from A to B producing zero emissions as it goes. It can even power your house.
Nissan has developed technology that allows Nissan LEAF to provide electricity to a domestic dwelling, powering everything from lighting to laptops and heating to cooking. You could even do your ironing ‘powered-by-LEAF’!
Called LEAF-to-Home, the system harnesses the power saved in a fully charged Nissan LEAF battery – about 24kWH – to run a typical home for up to two days in the event of an emergency such as a power blackout.
LEAF-to-home will be available in Japan from Spring 2012. Feasibility studies are currently underway in Europe and North America.
The system is being demonstrated this week at Davos, high in the Swiss Alps, where world leaders and CEOs are gathering for the annual World Economic Forum.