
Marie-Françoise Damesin

Alliance Executive Vice President, Alliance Human Resources, and Executive Vice President, Renault Group Human Resources.


Marie-Françoise Damesin is a graduate of ESSEC business school in France and holds a post-graduate degree from Paris-Dauphine University. She began her career in 1979 as an in-house consultant at Compagnie des Wagons Lits & du Tourisme (CIWLT).
In March 1984, she joined Renault SAS and held various management positions in the Organization, Marketing and Sales and Human Resources departments before joining Nissan Europe in 2001 as Vice President, Human Resources and General Affairs for the Europe Region. She was a member of Nissan Europe's Management Committee.
In November 2005, Marie-Françoise Damesin returned to Renault as Senior Vice President in charge of Communications for Renault. In November, 2010, she was appointed Group Human Resources, Senior Vice President. She has been a member of the Renault management committee since 2005.
In April 2011, Marie-Françoise Damesin joined the Renault Group Executive Committee as Executive Vice President of Human Resources.
On April 1, 2014, Marie-Françoise Damesin will become Alliance Executive Vice President for Human Resources. In this role, she will be responsible for the implementation of common HR processes throughout the Alliance, including the creation of a unified “talent management” policy across the global operations of Renault and Nissan.