Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Davos 2014: "We must make it easy for people to lead a sustainable life"

Sue Riddlestone and Pooran Desai - experts in sustainable living and the founders of the BioRegional Development Group which designs and delivers sustainable communities and businesses across the globe - are in Davos this week, where climate change is high on the agenda.
“We take a business approach, finding ways for communities to use their fair share of the world’s resources,” Riddlestone told the Alliance, while acknowledging that people still need cars but that, “We must make it easy for people to have a sustainable life.”
Riddlestone notes that air pollution needs to be tackled fast – and that electric vehicles and sustainable mobility will be a key means of tackling this issue which is causing rising concern in Beijing, and leading to fines in London. “People are worried about their health – and the health of their children,” she said.
Desai told us about China’s proactive approach to renewable energies, and noted the nation’s demanding targets regarding the use of carbon is an interesting trend and one to watch. “In all the emerging economies there are huge opportunities for sustainable living – especially in rapidly urbanizing economies,” he said.
Other interesting projects the BioRegional Development Group are involved in include the development of sustainable living and the creation of jobs in the green economy in a favela in Rio, Brazil, and the introduction of electric vehicles in the Serengeti wildlife reserve in Tanzania to reduce both noise and air pollution.
“One point of discussion here at Davos is the rise of inequality,” added Desai. “We must ask how we can ensure that these new technologies create a more inclusive and equal future for us all, together.”
Learn more about One planet living and BedZED, two of BioRegional projects
Come back to the blog for more: we’ll be updating our site throughout the day with more news from Davos.

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