Davos 2014

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Ghosn discusses gender-driven growth at World Economic Forum

Renault-Nissan’s Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn was part of a panel discussion on “Gender-driven Growth” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Jan. 25.  Extensive data points to women as critical for inclusive growth, yet barriers linked to gender persist in both the public and private sectors.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Davos and new technologies

Davos and new technologies

Watch here for the Alliance's recap from Davos in the Swiss Alps - including the latest on cars which park themselves and even keep hot chocolate warm despite freezing temperatures. We hope to see you again next year.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Hey! Want to see my Battery on Wheels?! by Matt Loader

Renault-Nissan Alliance cocoa hut
Guess who I bumped into on the street in Davos the other day…..? Well, actually last week at the annual World Economic Forum my job was to bump into people on purpose, in order to explain the virtues of the LEAF-to-Home technology that allows us to harness the electricity in a Nissan LEAF battery - in this case, to heat cocoa drinks. 
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Technology to power a brighter future

Technology to power a brighter future

Sue Riddlestone and Pooran Desai, founders of the BioRegional Development Group, have pioneered sustainable communities around the globe. Here, they tell Alliance TV how they hope burgeoning technologies can create a more inclusive, equal and cleaner world.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Renault's Stoll on high-potential markets and driverless cars

Renault's Stoll on high-potential markets and driverless cars
Renault's Chief Performance Officer Jérôme Stoll on self-driving cars, 'smart' roads and the need to keep the customer front-of-mind. Plus, why he's excited about Kazakhstan and Nigeria as potential high-growth markets for the automotive industry. Watch here, for more.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

What will the car of the future look like? by Carlos Ghosn

What will the car of the future look like? by Carlos Ghosn
Today, the automobile finds itself at a significant turning point.
For more than a century, it has helped drive industrial economies around the world, provided freedom of mobility to billions and transformed modern society. But its success in the 20th century also came at a cost: a rising number of accidents, traffic congestion, CO2 emissions and oil dependency.
Our challenge today is to reduce and eventually eliminate these negative consequences while bolstering the inherent benefits of clean, efficient transportation to people around the world.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Gender-driven growth - Livestream from Davos

Watch Renault-Nissan’s Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn speak on  “Gender-driven Growth” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Saturday Jan. 25 from 15:30-16:30 CET.
The other speakers on the WEF panel are:
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC; World Economic Forum Foundation Board Member
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Undersecretary-General and Executive Director, UN Women, New York
Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Board, Facebook, USA; Young Global Leader Alumnus
On Jan. 24, Renault-Nissan Alliance Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn took part in a World Economic Forum panel discussion in Davos, Switzerland, entitled “Next Steps for Emerging Economies.”
The panel discussion focused on the robustness of the drivers of emerging-market growth given the continued global uncertainty.
The other panelists were as follows:
Ali Babacan, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs of Turkey
Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda
Pierre Moscovici, Minister of Economy and Finance of France
Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics and International Business, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, USA
Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC; World Economic Forum Foundation Board Member
The session was moderated by John K. Defterios, anchor and emerging markets editor for CNN International.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

'When revolutionary technologies exist, they should be used'

Social entrepreneurs Suzana and Claudio Padua of the Institute of Ecological Research in Brazil tell Alliance TV about their hopes for the take-up of sustainable mobility in developing economies, and explain why they think Brazil could become a model for sustainable living.

MIT's Pentland: Connnected cars will create a more convenient world

Professor Alex 'Sandy' Pentland of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says connected cars will create a more convenient world by helping to reduce commuting time, including time spent searching for a parking space in big cities. Watch this video for more.


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