Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Designed for China: Nissan's Friend-ME concept car

China is the Renault-Nissan Alliance's biggest market in the world. Last year, the Alliance sold more than 1.2 million units in China, giving it a market share of 6.6%. The majority of the sales were generated by Nissan, which set up a manufacturing presence in China in twenty years ago.

In this video, Nissan's Executive Vice President Andy Palmer tells Nissan's Global Media Center how Nissan is designing, building and marketing vehicles with a very China-centric strategy in mind, epitomized by its Friend-ME concept car.



Dear Sir or Madam,

This is Rouzbeh Hoseinzadeh Akha. I am a national of Iran. I am really into car drawing.
I have been doing this type of hand sketching for a couple of years. I think you may be interested in my models. I am travelling to your country(China-Beijing) this week.
I am really interested in talking to your car designing department. I am wondering if there are any possibilities to have a short meeting with this department director.

Eagerly waiting for your kind reply.

Rouzbeh Hoseinzadeh Akha

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