Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Going on patrol with Nissan LEAF

Going on patrol with Nissan LEAF

The phrase ‘looking for leads’ is about to take on a whole new meaning for the Portuguese police, for they have just taken delivery of eight Nissan LEAF electric vehicles. And leads – of the electrical variety – come as standard!

The zero-emission cars, which have flashing blue lights and clear ‘Policia’ markings, will be used by Portugal’s PSP (Policia de Segurança) urban security force mainly as part of its Safe Schools Programme.

But if the need arises, they can be called into action just like any other police car on the force… and their near-silent running means that Portuguese criminals won’t hear them coming.

Choosing Nissan LEAF came easy to the force, which is keen to reduce its ecological footprint and lower pollution in large urban centres.

"We pride ourselves in being the first police force in the world to incorporate the 100 per cent electric Nissan LEAF as part of our 5,000 vehicle fleet," said Superintendent Paul Gomes Valente, National Director of PSP. “It sets a new benchmark for our fleet.”

Portugal is at the forefront of Europe’s electric vehicle revolution. It was one of the first countries to commit to establishing a network of EV chargers in its cities and, as a result, was the first to sell Nissan LEAF when it was introduced in 2011.


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