Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Hot stuff from Nissan LEAF!

Hot stuff from Nissan LEAF!

The sun might be shining but the snow is lying deep and crisp and even. And the mercury has fallen to -4 degrees C. What better way to warm up than with a mug of hot chocolate… especially when it’s heated using renewable electricity?

The Cocoa Hut at the Hub Pavilion in Davos, Switzerland, is proving a magnet for passers by, all keen to sample the latest innovation from the Renault-Nissan Alliance.

LEAF-to-home technology reverses the Nisan LEAF’s usual energy flow by using power stored in the car’s batteries to drive domestic appliances.A fully-charged Nissan LEAF can provide enough energy to run a home for up to two days, providing perfect emergency cover in a power failure.

In Davos, a Nissan LEAF has been hooked up to hobs warming the pans of hot chocolate as well as to wireless charging stations for lap-tops and mobiles. It’s even powering the Hut’s lights and music. And the car itself has been charged using 100 per cent renewable energy from Davos-based EWD.

There’s more good news. For every cup of warming hot chocolate served, the Alliance is donating $1 to Nike’s Mata No Peito programme to save and preserve the Amazon rainforest.



Your article perfectly shows what I nedeed to know, thanks!

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