Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

New Plug & Move app to educate drivers on electric cars

New Plug & Move app to educate drivers on electric cars

Plug & Move is a new smartphone app and website designed to help electric car owners, and those thinking of buying an electric car, get the best from their zero-emissions experience.

It’s been made as part of a co-operation between AXA Assistance, EDF, Europcar, Navteq, and Schneider and features all of the our zero-emissions electric cars, including the Nissan LEAF, Renault ZOE, Fluence Z.E and Kangoo Z.E.

Launched on EDF energy’s stand at the recent Paris Motor Show, Plug & Move is initially available for the French market, but will be rolled out to other markets in the very near future.

Available for both Android and Apple smartphones, as well as on the internet, Plug & Move is designed firstly to be an education tool, giving the car-buying public information on how electric cars really work, and debunking some of the popular, but wrong, ideas about range and recharging issues. (For more on electric car range, see our experts here). For those who are committed to buying and running an electric car, there are coaching systems within the app that can help drivers get the most from the electric experience, including maximising battery range and minimising charging times. It will also help users find the nearest available charging point and their car dealers and retailers in their area who specialise in EVs.

With oil prices steadily on the rise, and pollution and climate change ever more on people’s minds, Plug & Move is a very useful addition to our efforts to educate and inform the car buying public on the future for electric vehicles.

To find out more, visit https://www.plug-move.com/



The people those are driving electric vehicles are generally interested in knowing more about the vehicles they are driving in. And it is more seen in people those who are driving in electric vehicles. So the makers of electric vehicles have launched a new technology which is plug and move in the smartphones. This app is done in case to educate the drivers of electric vehicles. This app will definitely help people to understand more about the electric vehicle.

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