Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

New world record set with the Nissan LEAF in the lead

California has witnessed the world’s largest ever parade of electric vehicles (EVs), 507 cars in one place ... and most were Nissan LEAFs. This new record was set during Plug-in America’s National Drive Electric Week, at a time when EV sales continue to climb for Nissan.

"We are currently at around 61,000 sales in the United States since the launch of LEAF four years ago. It is number one in the market (and) number one in the world. It is a natural fit for an opportunity like this to come out and be at this event and set a Guinness World Record on largest number of electric vehicles in a parade at any given time," said Toby Perry, director, Nissan EV marketing.

Indeed, it is no surprise that the LEAF is experiencing such popularity. The benefits of owning a LEAF are numerous. In the Washington, D.C. area, for example, LEAF drivers benefit from cost reductions thanks to federal and state tax credits. They may also qualify for single-occupant use of certain high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes in Maryland and Virginia.

And in addition to saving money by avoiding the gas pump, they also qualify for Nissan’s “No Charge to Charge” promotion, which provides new LEAF buyers in certain markets with two years of free public charging. With access to charging at more than 2,600 public stations available in the initial program markets, including more than 200 quick chargers, the program allows LEAF drivers to experience the "range confidence" that public charging can provide.

As the exclusive automotive sponsor for National Drive Electric Week this September, Nissan had an even more important message to share: EV sales are rising – and the trend is going to continue.

"I love it. I save so much time and money on not having to go and fill up with gas. And I just charge at Google, where I work, so it is awesome," said Christiana Bush, EV parade participant, Nissan LEAF owner, on the benefits of driving an electric vehicle.

Read more from the press release here, and see more Top 5 reasons to drive a Nissan LEAF here.


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