Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

New York plugs into the EV revolution

New York plugs into the EV revolution

New York City is switching on to the benefits of electric vehicles. In his 12th – and final – State of the City address, Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged to make NYC a national leader in zero emission mobility with a number of EV-friendly proposals.

Among the plans are:

• A network of street-side fast chargers

• New buildings to be wired for EVs

• More electric vehicles on the city fleet

• One third of NYC cabs will be electric by 2020

The initiatives will start this year with the installation of a public charging network using fast chargers which will allow New Yorkers to recharge their batteries in just 30 minutes rather than eight hours.

And to cater for an electric future, Mayor Bloomberg will change regulations so that future builds will incorporate wiring in parking areas ready for EVs. It is anticipated that this alone could create up to 10,000 EV parking spots over the next seven years.

The City’s own EV fleet – currently more than 450 vehicles – will increase by a further 50 units this year, while NYC’s Taxi and Limousine Commission is about to start trials of six Nissan LEAF electric taxis. The goal is for one in every three Yellow Cabs to be electric by the end of the decade.

The city is also taking to two wheels. Mirroring successful bike sharing schemes in cities like Paris and London, New York will be getting its own fleet of bicycles this summer.

“All these transportation initiatives will help us achieve one of our top goals: to give New York the cleanest air of any big city in the country. Remember, clean air means you live longer. Even if you don’t care about climate change, cleaning our air is good for your health,” said the Mayor.

Integral Michael Bloomberg's speech: State of the City 2013

Learn more about electric vehicles in New York


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