electric taxis

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Nissan LEAF branches out as a taxi

 Nissan LEAF branches out as a taxi

Cities across Europe are going through a quiet revolution as taxi companies start to shift from conventional diesel-powered cabs to zero-emission - and near-silent - Nissan LEAF taxis.

The world's best-selling electric vehicle (EV) is fast becoming the taxi drivers' favourite too; attracted by lower running costs and fuelled by a desire to reduce airborne pollution in city centres.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Big Apple launches Nissan LEAF taxi pilot program

The Big Apple launches Nissan LEAF taxi pilot program

To celebrate Earth Day, Nissan and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today launched a new electric vehicle taxi pilot with the world’s bestselling electric car, Nissan LEAF. This pilot program, which puts six LEAF taxis into service beginning this spring, will help Nissan, the city, the taxi industry and the public understand how zero emission vehicles can be integrated into future taxi fleets.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

New York plugs into the EV revolution

New York plugs into the EV revolution

New York City is switching on to the benefits of electric vehicles. In his 12th – and final – State of the City address, Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged to make NYC a national leader in zero emission mobility with a number of EV-friendly proposals.

Among the plans are:

• A network of street-side fast chargers

Rio de Janeiro enters zero emissions era with Nissan LEAF electric taxi program

The city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will this month become the latest city in the world to start operating a zero emission taxi fleet thanks to a three-way a partnership among the Rio de Janeiro City Government, Nissan in Brazil and Petrobras Distribuidora. In the first phase of the program, two100% electric Nissan LEAF taxis will be available in Rio. By the end of the year, 13 more units will be added to the fleet.

The first two Nissan LEAF taxis will be available at the Santos Dumont airport stand. Their batteries will be recharged at two Petrobras service stations at the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon and in the Barra da Tijuca area.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Greening Zurich's taxi fleet

Greening Zurich's taxi fleet

Zero-emission Nisan LEAF electric taxis ready to clean up the streets of Switzerland’s finance capital

Zurich in Switzerland is the latest city to start operating a zero-emission taxi fleet. Following in the tyre tracks of Amsterdam, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sao Paulo, Zurich will soon have a fleet of pure electric Nissan LEAF taxis offering rides around Switzerland’s largest city.
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