Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Renault-Nissan Alliance plant in India begins production of Datsun GO

The Renault-Nissan Alliance plant in Oragadam, near Chennai, India began production of Nissan’s Datsun Go yesterday. The Datsun GO which premiered last July in Delhi, India, is a modern five-door, five-seat hatchback designed to offer accessible transport to aspirational, rising Indian families. The new model heralds the introduction of the new Datsun brand to the Indian market, with sales starting in March.
The Oragadam plant, which was established in 2010, is the first factory anywhere in the world to start production of the new generation of Datsun models. Production at Oragadam will be followed by local production of Datsun models in other markets such as Indonesia and Russia later this year, bringing the brand to thousands of customers in high growth markets.
Read the full press release here


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