Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Renault-Nissan Alliance Zero-Emission Vehicles at COP17 in South Africa

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A fleet of zero-emission vehicles from Renault and Nissan is being used to shuttle delegates to and from the 2011 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa, from Nov. 28-Dec. 9. The Alliance is at COP17 to demonstrate that our zero-emission vehicles - the first mass-produced EVs to ever run on the streets of Africa - offer a real affordable solution for drastically reducing CO2 emissions.  

Watch our video report from Durban




The first series of mass-produced electric cars leads the way into a greener and healthier future in Africa. It is amazing that electric cars can by now go hundreds of kilometers with only one charge and zero-emission. Siemens, a pioneer in the field of electromobility, explains the high potential of electric cars in Africa. http://www.siemens.co.za/electric-cars/electric-cars.html

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