Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Renault Samsung Motors' 100% electric sedan is Korea's most popular EV

Renault Samsung Motors' 100% electric sedan is Korea's most popular EV
  • Highest cumulative sales of 1,767 units since 2013, 1out of 3 EVs in Korea is an SM3 Z.E.
  • 1,000-unit EV sales goal for 2015 has been reached


SM3 Z.E., Renault Samsung Motors’ 100% electric sedan, is Korea’s most popular EV.

The cumulative sales of SM3 Z.E., launched in Korea in November 2013, reached 1,767 units, with 1,043 units were sold in 2015. Today, 1 out of 3 EVs in the country is an SM3 Z.E. 

In Korea, incentives to buy an EV include an average 20 million KRW subsidy (depending on the region), one free charger, as well as reduced parking costs & congestion charge.

As the only mid-sized 100% electric vehicle in Korea, SM3 Z.E. is known for its driving stability and spacious back seat. It can run up to 135km with a single charge.

In 2015, SM3 Z.E. was selected as both Korea’s official government vehicle and Seoul EV taxi. This year, RSM has provided more than 100 EV taxis, introduced a taxi battery management service in Jeju, and is setting up additional mid-speed chargers near taxi garages and drivers’ cafeterias. 

For more informatiob, please read the full press release here


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