Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Video: What is Nissan's ProPilot?

Nissan is currently testing advanced autonomous drive technology leading the way for the rest of the industry.

One of these innovative technologies is ProPilot (or Piloted Drive), which ensures a more enjoyable and safer drive, for everyone. The first stage of this technology will be installed on mainstream, mass-market cars at affordable prices. It will allow cars to drive autonomously and safely in a single lane in heavy traffic conditions on highways.  It be available in Japan later this year and in Europe in 2017.

In 2018, the Renault-Nissan Alliance will launch vehicles with “multiple-lane control,” which can autonomously negotiate hazards and change lanes during highway driving. And 2020 will see the launch of “intersection autonomy,” which can navigate city intersections and heavy urban traffic without driver intervention.

By 2020 the Alliance will launch more than 10 vehicles with autonomous drive technology.

Watch this video to learn more about ProPilot:


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