Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Werner Hillebrand: Portrait of an EV owner in Germany

In November, the Alliance sold its 200,000th electric vehicle – by far more than all major automakers combined. To capture what the first 200,000 owners love about their EVs, the Alliance has launched a series of videos featuring EV owners on three continents. “I Made the Switch” tells why people bought their electric vehicles and how switching to a zero-emission vehicle has changed their lives.
In our third video, we meet with Werner​ Hillebrand​ in the suburbs of Munich, Germany. CEO of e-Ruda, an e-mobility tour business and a proud owner of a Renault ZOE and two Renault TWIZYs, Werner explains why he believes in electric mobility for the future. 
To see his video, click here, or watch it below.

For all the videos in this series, please visit our dedicated "I Made The Switch" page. Check back in a month as we travel to another country in our next episode!


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