I Made the Switch

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Portrait of an EV taxi driver on Jeju Island, South Korea

Portrait of an EV taxi driver on Jeju Island, South Korea

ChangHo Kim drives an electric taxi on Jeju Island, a popular tourist destination just off the southern coast of South Korea famous for its natural beauty. Several parts of the island have been designated UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Portrait of an EV owner in Tokyo

Portrait of an EV owner in Tokyo

Junko Ishige runs a rabbit hotel in Tokyo and uses her red Nissan LEAF to shuttle the pets to and from their owners. Ishige didn’t buy the electric car for the rabbits. But she quickly discovered that even rabbits enjoy the car’s comfortable and quiet ride.
For more, see this video here:

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Erik Vos: Portrait of an EV owner in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Erik Vos: Portrait of an EV owner in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
In our latest “I Made the Switch” EV owners video series, we travel to the Netherlands to meet Erik Vos, a furniture shop owner who drives a Nissan e-NV200 as his company car. 
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Get familiar with charging points: where, what and how?

Get familiar with charging points: where, what and how?
Usually, when I need to find charging points, I use Electromaps’ application or website. I try to keep up with new charging points through forums, Renault’s website and Facebook.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

More charging infrastructure, more EVs on the road

More charging infrastructure, more EVs on the road
I believe the electric vehicle charging infrastructure will improve with the growing popularity of such cars. The world is starting to realize that by adopting zero-emission mobility we will improve sustainability and ultimately, our own lives. Last August, the world exhausted a year’s equivalent of the Earth’s resources, and pollution is higher than ever before.
Concepcion Sanchez Blancon: Portrait of an EV owner in Barcelona, Spain
For the fifth installment of our “I Made the Switch” EV owners’ video series, we travel to Barcelona in Spain to meet Concepcion Sanchez Blancon, a bank administrator and owner of a Renault ZOE since June 2013. Skeptical at first, Concepcion has embraced EVs and believes more and more people will make the switch to electric mobility in the future. Find out more from the video below.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Common misconceptions about EVs

Common misconceptions about EVs
EVs are uncomfortable: the LEAF drives like a dream - so comfortable, clean and quiet.
EVs are slow (like golf carts): To the contrary, the LEAF can out-accelerate just about any car off the line, which comes in handy when you need to get out of a tight situation in traffic.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

How you can save money by powering your car with the sun

How you can save money by powering your car with the sun
We Californians like to "grow our own" - gardening is an extremely popular activity here, and in our climate a minimum of investment is rewarded with ample harvests. EV owners can take it a step further, and harvest power to run their car with energy from the sun. We installed solar photovoltaic panels on our home's roof to collect free energy from the sun during the day. The power we harvest is stored in the electric utility grid, which acts like a giant "battery."
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

How the EV has changed my life

How the EV has changed my life
Owning an EV has changed my life for the better in several ways. Like most people, my schedule is full and my time is valuable. Until I got my EV, I never realized what a nuisance it was having to go to "the fuel store" every week or more, to wait in line with the other "gasser" owners to fill up with the smelly, expensive, highly flammable and carcinogenic liquid we call gasoline.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Diana Wilder: Portrait of an EV owner in San Diego, U.S.A.

Diana Wilder: Portrait of an EV owner in San Diego, U.S.A.
In our latest “I Made the Switch” EV owner video, we travel to California to meet with Diana Wilder, a university administrator and proud owner of a Nissan LEAF since 2011. A committed environmentalist, Diana powers her LEAF with solar energy generated from photovoltaic panels at her home. Find out more from the video below.
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