Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Why driverless cars are good for your health

Why driverless cars are good for your health
Driving enthusiasts are convinced that autonomous cars will spell the end of driving freedom, the end of driving pleasure.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Autonomous cars will actually give us back time, increase our personal freedom and improve our health. 
Did you know that traffic chaos during a typical morning commute wastes between 60 to 80 hours every year? By removing traffic jams, autonomous cars will instantly get us to work on time and, therefore, allow us to leave on time, too. That, in turn, will give us more time to spend with loved ones, or to pursue interests outside work.
As the car takes away the strain of the morning commute, there’ll be more time to make phone calls to friends and colleagues to arrange meetings or simply plan the work day ahead. It is estimated that autonomous cars will give us back at least half our commuting time and provide a threefold increase in roadway efficiency.
Another benefit is a fiscal one: with no traffic jams, fuel usage will be cut dramatically. In Washington DC, for example, it is estimated that jams cost commuters around $1,400 each in unnecessary fuel costs each year.
But perhaps the biggest gain will be to our health. Running late for an appointment with seemingly no way through heavy traffic increases stress and raises blood pressure – both potential killers.
At the Alliance, we do more than build cars. We work towards a safer and more sustainable future.

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