Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Why women make the workplace harmonious

Women are better at achieving harmony on the workplace than men. While they have just as much desire to succeed as men, they believe in co-operation rather than outright competition and prefer a win-win scenario where everyone benefits over of a simple win.
And women are key to the future success of every corporation. That’s something Renault recognises, says Mouna Sepehri, Renault Group Executive Vice-President, Office of the CEO.
Speaking at a Plenary Session at the influential Women’s Forum’s 2013 Global Meeting, she said: “We are doing a lot to bring talented women to our industry… but we have to do more to make them want to stay.” 
Under the topic heading ‘Where does co-operation end and competition begin today’, she added: “There’s a good time for co-operation and a good time for competition. You need to be able to recognise them both.”
The Plenary Session was one of a number of important discussions at the Global Meeting, held in Deauville, France from 16-18 October. Joining Mouna on the panel were Ann Fudge and Virginie Morgon. All three are board members of internationally respected companies such as L’Oreal, Danone, General Electric and Unilever. 
They agreed that women have an important role to play in the successful development of any corporation as… “for them, it’s not about butting heads but about finding common ground where everyone can succeed.”
But they had a word of caution for companies not prepared to open their boardrooms to women. “If corporations do not open the doors early for women, it will take a very long time to achieve equality, especially in male-dominated cultures.”
You can watch Mouna Sepheri's entire session below :


• The Renault-Nissan Alliance is a partner of Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, an international platform looking at major social and economic issues from women’s perspectives. 


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