Renault-Nissan Alliance press release


Major transport and energy groups sound alarm on e-mobility: Europe must accelerate infrastructure plans

Major transport and energy groups sound alarm on e-mobility: Europe must accelerate infrastructure plans
Europe’s key industry players and NGOs urge Member States to show more urgency and publish their plans for crucial e-mobility infrastructure
The EU needs to accelerate its electro-mobility (e-mobility) revolution according to the organizations that will lead it in the coming decade. The diverse group – including some of the most well known companies and NGOs in Europe [1] - wants EU member states to show much more urgency in their plans to harness the diverse range of technologies needed to make clean electricity the dominant power source for transport, both between and within European cities.
A joined-up and accessible network of charging stations, including normal, fast and smart charging, is a sine qua non if Europeans are to benefit from the huge strides in e-mobility technologies. Under the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive 2014, member states were required to submit their plans for supporting charging infrastructure by the end of 2016 – but around half of them still have not done so.
[1] The Platform for Electro-Mobility is a European alliance of 25 producers, infrastructure managers, operators, transport users, cities and civil society organizations (members are listed in the notes)
Read the full press release: here