Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

EV for resilience: The electric road to recovery

The UN Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction is underway, and electric vehicles (EVs) can play a key role in responding to crises, such as the one the Tohoku region experienced four years ago.
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake shook northeastern Japan, triggering a tsunami that reached heights of up to 40.5 meters and travelled up to 10 km inland.The earthquake had been the strongest ever recorded in Japan, and the ensuing devastation had no parallel in the quake-plagued nation’s modern history. With thousands dead and missing, Japanese society took up the recovery effort.
Nissan, along with other major Japanese automakers, sent assistance to affected areas while trying to recover from the damage to its own factories and dealers.Despite the damage incurred, electric power in the hard-hit areas in northeastern Japan was quickly restored, but with six out of nine refineries down and pipelines disrupted, supplies of gasoline were dangerously low.
Two LEAFs were used to deliver medical treatment to 20 to 30 patients per day, most of whom were suffering from cancer. These treatments helped patients with respiratory conditions, transporting the oxygen inhalation equipment they desperately needed.
These mobile medics often drove 60 to 70 km per day over the area’s mountainous roads in order to reach patients. The LEAFs stood up to the challenge, allowing critical services to be delivered even in the midst of disaster. After the Great East Japan earthquake, 80 percent of the electrical power in the affected areas was restored within three days. 
After the immediate crisis in Sendai had passed, the 65 disaster-tested LEAFs were made available to local authorities. They carried help to shelters in Miyagi, brought goods to distribution points in Iwate and were deployed as coordination vehicles in Miyagi and Fukushima.
In later days; the cars were loaned to media to enable disaster aftermath coverage in the affected areas.
To know more about how EVs can play an important part in disaster management, please watch the video below. 

For more information, read the press release here


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