Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Common misconceptions about EVs

EVs are uncomfortable: the LEAF drives like a dream - so comfortable, clean and quiet.
EVs are slow (like golf carts): To the contrary, the LEAF can out-accelerate just about any car off the line, which comes in handy when you need to get out of a tight situation in traffic.
EVs are impractical for daily life: We use our LEAF daily. It is our preferred mode of transport because it costs nothing and is so comfortable to drive. We certainly don’t drive cross-country; for very long distances we take a train or fly! So for us, range is rarely an issue and not something we think much about - except to reckon one day, battery replacements will get better and better and this same LEAF may have considerably more range. Even if they do not, new electric models will surely benefit as batteries improve and get lighter and lighter. There really is no comparison to a gasoline car. 
EVs need to be pushed uphill: Hah! Our LEAF laughs at hills. I'd much rather be in an EV on a steep grade than in a gas car, since the EV has 100% available torque/acceleration power, and the regenerative braking helps reduce speed when going downhill.
EVs need special maintenance: They require very little maintenance since the engine has so few moving parts.
This blog post was written by Nissan LEAF owner Diana Wilder as part of "I Made The Switch", a video series exploring the daily lives of EV owners. 


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