Renault, the Alliance and the United States

Renault, the Alliance and the United States

We have received many questions on the Alliance blog about the “new alliance of Renault-Nissan with Daimler” and whether this would be a new opportunity for Renault to enter the US market.

There is one thing I would like to clarify. The partnership between Renault-Nissan and Daimler is a strategic cooperation, not an alliance. The Renault-Nissan Alliance and Daimler have identified areas of cooperation while Renault and Nissan have an across-the-board cooperation and over ten years of experience working together.

Regarding the US market, the Alliance already has a strong presence there with the Nissan and Infiniti brands. Last year combined sales were 770,103 vehicles.

I asked the question about the US to my Renault colleagues and they told me Renault’s strategy is first to ensure a strong presence in emerging markets by reinforcing its position in countries like Russia, India or Brazil. This is a step-by-step approach: unless stage one is completed you cannot proceed to stage two. At this point in time, there are no plans for Renault to enter the US market.



Okay,Thank you for your prompt Response.


Gerry Broom

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