Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Sustainable mobility "is a matter of survival"

Sustainable mobility "is a matter of survival"
Alliance TV caught up with Suzana and Claudio Padua this morning in Davos – social entrepreneurs with the Schwab Foundation, and founders of IPÊ, the Institute of Ecological Research in Brazil, which promotes sustainable living through science, education and local engagement.
Nissan has already worked with them, via its funding for a programme with the World Wildlife Fund which enabled a group of US students to see for themselves sustainability projects in both the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon.
“We learn a lot here in Davos,” said Suzana, who hopes that Brazil invests more in sustainable technology so that it can become a model for other countries. “Brazil has a huge potential,” she said.
“Cars have all the technology now to be sustainable and we’d love to see São Paolo or Belo Horizonte adopt the electric system of mobility. It’s more economical; it doesn’t pollute; it is less noisy and more peaceful.”
She believes companies need to think more carefully about their contribution, saying, “we’re all for creating profits, but it’s also about wanting to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.”
Claudio also gave the thumbs up to electric vehicles and other forms of sustainable mobility. “It’s a wonderful solution,” he said. “When such technologies exist they need to be incorporated. It’s not just about sustainability. It’s a matter of our survival.”
Find out more about IPE by clicking here

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