Olivier Paturet

Cost: the other sort of EV charge. How much does an electric vehicle cost?

The hugely advanced technology of an electric vehicle means high prices according the man in the Paris street. But is that really the case? The answer is “No”.
EV experts Thomas Orsini from Renault and Olivier Paturet from Nissan reveal all on our video here. Find out what they cost to buy and what they cost to run… and see whether an EV could actually be cheaper than its conventional cousin.

Time travel, electric vehicle style. How long does it take to charge an EV?

Charging an electric vehicle takes… well no-one seems quite sure how long it takes judging by the views from the street of Paris. We asked the questions before the Paris Motor Show opened its doors and the answers varied tremendously.
But if you watch our video here you can discover the truth from the people in the know: electric vehicle experts from Renault and Nissan, Thomas Orsini and Olivier Paturet. Is it a few minutes, a couple of hours or an overnight charge? Watch our video here.

Travel restrictions apply… or do they? How far can an electric vehicle travel?

Perhaps the biggest misconception surrounding electric vehicles is that they can’t go very far… at least, that’s what the people of Paris seem to think.
Are they right, or have they got it hopelessly wrong? Renault’s Thomas Orsini and Olivier Paturet from Nissan explode a few myths about range anxiety. Watch our video here.

Small, large, futuristic or conventional? What does an electric vehicle look like?

It seems that most Parisians think an electric vehicle is a funny looking thing, a bit of an oddball.
Watch the video to discover the reality as electric vehicle specialists Thomas Orsini and Olivier Paturet from Renault and Nissan describe cars like the Nissan LEAF and the Renault ZOE.

Separating fact from fiction - the truth about electric vehicles

Some people have funny ideas. On the eve of the Paris Motor Show we asked a number of Parisians a few questions about electric vehicles (see the video). Their answers varied from the almost right to the completely wrong!

We decided the best way to get to the truth was to ask the experts. We’ve lined up Thomas Orsini and Olivier Paturet, electric vehicle specialists at Renault and Nissan respectively, to explode a few of the myths surrounding EVs.

We asked people when they thought we’d be able to buy an electric vehicle. Watch the video to see whether electric vehicles are still science fact or whether in fact the future is here, now.

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