Paris Motor Show

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Renault-Nissan Alliance & Daimler: A growing partnership

The Renault-Nissan Alliance & Daimler: A growing partnership
Carlos Ghosn and Dieter Zetsche

Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, and Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, briefed the media about their companies' expanding partnership at a press event on Oct. 3 during the Paris Motor Show.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Carlos Ghosn at Paris Motor Show: A day in the life of a CEO

Carlos Ghosn at Paris Motor Show: A day in the life of a CEO

Here's a look at a typical global auto show press day for a CEO: Lots of walking and lots of talking, all in front of a lot of cameras. It's how Renault-Nissan Alliance CEO Carlos Ghosn spent the press day at the 2014 Paris Motor Show (4-19 October): showing off our new models, answering journalists' questions, congratulating our best dealers and seeing what the competition is up to ... it all made for a fast-paced day.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Renault and Nissan stars at the Paris Motor Show

Renault and Nissan stars at the Paris Motor Show

Renault’s main attraction at the Paris Motor Show (4-19 October) is the new Espace. Built on Common Module Family (CMF), the Alliance’s modular system of architecture, the new Espace is lighter, more dynamic and more agile than ever before. Meanwhile at the Nissan stand, the new Pulsar hatchback makes its first public appearance in Paris.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Sustainability and innovation showcased at Paris Motor Show

Sustainability and innovation showcased at Paris Motor Show

Sustainability and innovation are key ingredients at the Renault and Nissan stands of this year's Paris Motor Show (4-19 October). Visitors to the biennial French auto show can see first-hand how both companies are transforming motoring with ecological, user-friendly technology.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Paris Motor Show in two minutes

The Paris Motor Show in two minutes

Join us on a whistlestop tour of the busy Renault and Nissan stands at Paris Motor Show. Discover why the Alliance is committed to increasing the number of electric vehicles on Europe’s roads and why Quick Charging is the key to future growth.

Meet ZOE, Renault’s latest EV and marvel at TeRRA from Nissan, an advanced 4X4 fuel cell electric vehicle concept.
Also at the show is Nissan Pivo 3, an ultra-compact electric city car of tomorrow.

The message from Paris? Zero Emission electric vehicles will help sustain personal mobility in the future, but they are here, now… and the Alliance is leading the EV charge.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Turning over a new LEAF

Turning over a new LEAF
The Paris Motor Show, which runs until 14 October, isn’t just a static exhibition. Thanks to the zero emissions produced by electric vehicles, one of the halls of the vast Parc des Expositions has been converted into a test track
We caught up with one young driver getting his first taste of electric power from behind the wheel of a Nissan LEAF… and he loved it. He liked the way it drove, and especially the way the on-board technology keeps the driver up to date with the level of charge and the location of the nearest charging point.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

ZOE: a star is born

ZOE: a star is born

Parisians love ZOE! The latest pure electric vehicle to hit the streets, Renault ZOE has been one of the undoubted highlights of the Paris Motor Show, which runs until 14 October in the French capital.

As the show opened to the public we asked a few visitors what they thought of the car… and the verdict was hugely positive. They like the looks, the light and airy interior and the technology.

But most of all they love the fact that it produces zero tailpipe emissions. As one visitor said: “I’m thinking of buying one, as the environment is a big thing for me.”

Cost: the other sort of EV charge. How much does an electric vehicle cost?

The hugely advanced technology of an electric vehicle means high prices according the man in the Paris street. But is that really the case? The answer is “No”.
EV experts Thomas Orsini from Renault and Olivier Paturet from Nissan reveal all on our video here. Find out what they cost to buy and what they cost to run… and see whether an EV could actually be cheaper than its conventional cousin.

Time travel, electric vehicle style. How long does it take to charge an EV?

Charging an electric vehicle takes… well no-one seems quite sure how long it takes judging by the views from the street of Paris. We asked the questions before the Paris Motor Show opened its doors and the answers varied tremendously.
But if you watch our video here you can discover the truth from the people in the know: electric vehicle experts from Renault and Nissan, Thomas Orsini and Olivier Paturet. Is it a few minutes, a couple of hours or an overnight charge? Watch our video here.

Travel restrictions apply… or do they? How far can an electric vehicle travel?

Perhaps the biggest misconception surrounding electric vehicles is that they can’t go very far… at least, that’s what the people of Paris seem to think.
Are they right, or have they got it hopelessly wrong? Renault’s Thomas Orsini and Olivier Paturet from Nissan explode a few myths about range anxiety. Watch our video here.

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