Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Nissan LEAF owners closing in on 1 billion kilometers

Drivers of the Nissan LEAF – the world's best-selling electric car – are racing towards the 1 billion kilometer mark.

Thanks to Nissan LEAF's innovative CarWings telemetry, an accurate log of the total distance covered by every car has been recorded since the LEAF was launched in 2010.

Currently, the total distance driven stands at over 850 million km, which translates to over 150,000 tons of CO2 emissions reduced – an amount that is equivalent to the work of 11 million trees!

It is estimated that the billion kilometer mark will be passed by January 2015. Rising sales and a rapidly expanding quick charge network mean the target might be beaten even earlier.

To celebrate the milestones reached over the course of this race, Nissan has created a series of animated stories featuring LEAF owners, beginning with Roberto San Jose.

Roberto, from Valladolid, Spain, narrates his own story as the first taxi driver in Spain to buy a Nissan LEAF, explaining that since buying his Nissan LEAF in October 2011 he has covered over 100,000 km and eliminated three quarters of his running costs.

Roberto's story is already available via a number of social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter as well as a dedicated website.

“Stories like Roberto's are powerful reminders of how buying a Nissan LEAF can revolutionize a business today. He is one of many pioneers reaping the unique benefits of electric vehicles – and that number is growing by the day,” said Jean Pierre Diernaz, Director of Electric Vehicles for Nissan Europe.

As further landmarks are reached on the race to a billion kilometers, more animated stories will be revealed and a series of events, all highlighting the benefits of the Nissan LEAF, will be staged.

Read more from the press release here.


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