Beatrice Foucher

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Our call for investment in EV infrastructure

Our call for investment in EV infrastructure

More charging points are needed now!

We are demanding greater investment in electric vehicle infrastructure before personal mobility is lost forever.

At a special meeting during the Paris Motor Show, Hideaki Watanabe, Managing Director of Zero Emission Vehicles, Renault-Nissan BV, told delegates representing local authorities, fleet operators and other interested parties: “The time to invest in EV infrastructure is now.”

Béatrice Foucher, VP of Renault's Electric Vehicle Program, discusses how the new ZOE will complete the company's EV offering

With its modern looks, extended range and easy to drive attitude, the new Renault ZOE – launched at this week’s Paris Motor Show and in showrooms shortly – is going to make a significant contribution to the company’s EV sales.
Renault is on target to sell 20,000 electric vehicles across Europe in 2012, a figure that will rise considerably in 2013 as ZOE completes the company’s four strong EV range joining Kangoo Z.E., Fluence Z.E. and Twizy. Foucher has a soft spot for Twizy a car she says is ‘a real Renault.’ “It’s innovative, different and fun: there’s nothing else like it on the roads.”

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