
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

California: a life-sized EV laboratory for the entire planet

California: a life-sized EV laboratory for the entire planet
California is the U.S. model for zero-emission cars and one of the world’s biggest markets for electric vehicles. Today California accounts for about 40% of the country’s electric vehicle sales with more than 140,000 EVs on its roads. Why has California become a life-sized laboratory for the entire planet? To find out, we explore the celebrated California culture, a mix of back-to-nature hippie counter-culture, and the hi-tech spirit of West Coasters steeped in new technologies. 
Nissan and Kanematsu to encourage longer distance EV travel in California
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and the Japan-based trading company, Kanematsu Corporation, will work with the New Energy Industrial Technology and Development Organization (NEDO), Japan's largest public R&D management organization, to encourage the use of electric vehicles for longer-distance driving in Northern California.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

California flicks the switch for an electric future

California flicks the switch for an electric future
California is ‘charging ahead’ with plans to have at least one million zero-emission cars, buses and trucks on its roads by 2023… a ten-fold increase on today’s number.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

California signs clean cars bills

California signs clean cars bills
Excellent news for zero emission vehicles from California. Governor Edmund G. Brown  has signed six new laws that will help boost the acceptance and use of electric cars in the Golden State.
The measures come as no surprise. California is already the leader in the use of green cars with 35 per cent of the country’s electric cars. 
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Electrifying experience for Nissan COO

Electrifying experience for Nissan COO

You can tell a great deal about a company from the men at the top. And for the car lovers amongst us, that’s reassuring when it comes to Nissan: they are ‘car guys.’

For example, when the company’s chief operating officer, Toshiyuki Shiga, arrived at the Nissan 360 media event in Southern California recently, he was as keen as the invited journalists to try one rather special Nissan model: the LEAF Nismo RC.

He took it for a few quick laps around a special circuit created for the event… and couldn’t stop smiling. “The core requirement of a car manufacturer is to provide driving pleasure and cars that are fun to drive. Even if the car is electric I think it is very important that it provides the same sense of fun.”

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