
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Davos 2015 Wrap-Up: The value of Davos for the Alliance

Davos 2015 Wrap-Up: The value of Davos for the Alliance
Contacts. Presence. Megatrends. Change. A global perspective. Whether its Alliance CEO Carlos Ghosn’s participation in a panel discussion on the BRICS or serving warm cocoa and chocolate chips cookies courtesy of the LEAF’s battery power, the Alliance successfully leveraged the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting Davos 2015 to promote its commitment to sustainability, gender parity and global growth.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Renault-Nissan Alliance & sustainable manufacturing

The Renault-Nissan Alliance & sustainable manufacturing

The Renault-Nissan Alliance is committed to reducing CO2 emissions from all vehicles and is the world’s leader in zero-emission vehicles. But what about industrial emissions?

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

California flicks the switch for an electric future

California flicks the switch for an electric future
California is ‘charging ahead’ with plans to have at least one million zero-emission cars, buses and trucks on its roads by 2023… a ten-fold increase on today’s number.

Renault has launched a new online educational game which aims to heighten the awareness of children aged seven to twelve to road safety and sustainable mobility. The game is designed for children to play at home or in the classroom.

Nissan LEAF helps London businesses meet social responsibility targets
Companies looking for new ways to reduce their corporate carbon footprint are rethinking the way employees rush from meeting to meeting: out go conventional mini cabs and taxis and in come zero-emission electric cars.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Big win for Nissan is a big win for the planet

Air is free, right? Tell that to the Nissan Energy Management Team who combed through countless miles of tubing in the compressed air system in U.S. manufacturing facilities and repaired enough leaks to save 11,300 megawatt hours of energy last year. “We saved enough energy to power more than 700 homes for a year, offset the greenhouse gas emissions of nearly 2,800 tons of landfill waste or better yet, to drive the all-electric Nissan LEAF around the earth more than 40,000 times,” said John Martin, Nissan’s senior vice president, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management and Purchasing.             
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Technology to power a brighter future

Technology to power a brighter future

Sue Riddlestone and Pooran Desai, founders of the BioRegional Development Group, have pioneered sustainable communities around the globe. Here, they tell Alliance TV how they hope burgeoning technologies can create a more inclusive, equal and cleaner world.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Britain's brave new world

Britain's brave new world

On the face of it, things won’t be so different a little over 15 years from now. According to Zero Carbon Britain – Rethinking the future, a report just published by the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) we will still be driving to work, eating meat for dinner and taking long haul flights round the globe.

Three-year trial in UK underlines key role of EVs in reducing urban pollution

A three-year trial in the north-east of England has found that electric vehicles will have an essential role to play in reducing urban pollution and improving quality of life.

New US-Canada charging corridor opens long distance travel to EV drivers

The long distances often involved in travelling across North America will pose no challenge to EV users in Vermont and Quebec, following the installation of a 138-mile (222km) charging corridor between Burlington and Montreal. 

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