connected cars

Renault-Nissan Alliance executives on Silicon Valley and future of driving

The Renault-Nissan Alliance plans to launch more than ten models with Autonomous Drive technology over the next four years.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Preparing connectivity technology for autonomous cars

Preparing connectivity technology for autonomous cars
In a new video, Renault offers an insight into the in-car technology and human-machine interfaces that  will make life easier for drivers of autonomous vehicles. The video follows the announcement earlier this  month that the Renault-Nissan Alliance will be launching more than 10 autonomous drive vehicles by  2020. 
Video:  Renault-Nissan autonomous vehicles on public roads in California
On January 7, the Renault-Nissan Alliance announced it will launch more than 10 vehicles with autonomous drive technology in the next four years.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication boosted by U.S. research program

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication boosted by U.S. research program

The future of both road safety and the autonomous car have been bolstered thanks to the American government's decision to legislate in favor of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication. By providing a network where vehicles share key data with each other, V2V communication would combine with other vehicle-based safety technologies to significantly reduce accident rates.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

New R-Link apps help drivers connect and learn

New R-Link apps help drivers connect and learn

Even when they're behind the wheel, drivers can keep up with their social network or learn a language, thanks to two new apps in the Renault R-Link store. By downloading the apps, drivers will optimize their journey time and offer their vehicle a whole new level of connectivity.

MIT's Pentland: Connected cars will create a more convenient world

Professor Alex 'Sandy' Pentland of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says connected cars will create a more convenient world by helping to reduce commuting time, including time spent searching for a parking space in big cities. Watch this video for more.


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