Davos 2013

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Alliance's highlights at the World Economic Forum

This year's World Economic Forum provided plenty of memorable and inspirational moments. We look back on the week in Davos, rounding up the most important views, ideas and announcements for the Alliance. Watch the video now.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

How the locals in Davos view the World Economic Forum

How the locals in Davos view the World Economic Forum

For one week every year, the World Economic Forum turns the small town of Davos upside down. While international leaders play out the future of the global economy, those working in Davos see their lives temporarily transformed by reinforced security measures and media attention from all over the world. So, how do the locals feel about the Forum and how does it change their lives?

BRICs Buzz: Carlos Ghosn discusses why Davos delegates are discussing emerging economies

Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, explains why everyone at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos is buzzing about the BRICs – the high-growth economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Ghosn, who himself was born and raised in emerging markets, also says that owning a car is very different for people in developing economies compared to drivers in the mature markets of Japan, western Europe and North America.
Meeting of the minds: Renault COO Carlos Tavares and Nissan COO Toshiyuki Shiga catch up in Davos

The Renault-Nissan Alliance is a strategic partner to the World Economic Forum and sends a small delegation of senior executives to the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos Switzerland. The 2013 theme was “Resilient Dynamism,” and the prevailing mood was one of cautious optimism -- despite ongoing challenges for the Eurozone. Renault Chief Operating Officer Carlos Tavares and Nissan Chief Operating Officer Toshiyuki Shiga took a few minutes out of their busy schedules in Davos to provide their own assessments of 2012 and economic forecasts for the current year.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The future generation of Davos

The future generation of Davos

Picture : Sergei Guriev, Young Global Leader from 2006 to 2011, Rector at the New Economic School (Russia)
Today in Davos, we're feeling rejuvenated by the energy and enthusiasm of youth. We've been meeting some of the young shakers and movers who are bringing their fresh ideas to the Forum and who could well rank among the world's most influential leaders in the years to come.

An expert view on AvtoVAZ deal and sustainable mobility in Russia

A leading economist and Rector at the New Economic School in Moscow, Sergei Guriev was invited to the World Economic Forum to speak alongside Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the opening day. A former Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, he is today on the Forum's Global Agenda Council on Europe. In this short video, he tells us his views on sustainable mobility in Russia, the prospect for electric vehicles, and the significance of the Alliance's joint venture with AvtoVAZ, maker of LADA cars.

Introducing the young talents behind the Zurich Nissan LEAF taxi service

With Nissan announcing the launch of a new zero-emission taxi initiative in Zurich, we talked to two of the Young Global Leaders behind the project. How did the new service come about and why did they choose the Nissan LEAF? Watch the video now.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Davos, the centre of worldwide media attention

Davos, the centre of worldwide media attention

You can't go far in Davos without meeting a camera crew, a roving reporter or a press photographer –and of course, at the World Economic Forum, the media is as international as those making the headlines. 

Wandering around the streets of Davos, we've bumped into media teams from the UK, America, France, Japan and China. When we met the Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn, he was just about to record an interview with Mexican journalist Carlos Mota, a regular at the World Economic Forum. When we left, Mr. Ghosn was setting up for a camera session with Russian television. Emerging countries are at the heart of this year's Forum in more ways than one.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Global Shapers help launch Nissan LEAF taxi service in Zurich

Global Shapers help launch Nissan LEAF taxi service in Zurich

The launch of a green taxi initiative in Zurich is proof that the World Economic Forum really does help to put change in motion. The new programme, which will feature a fleet of pure electric Nissan LEAF taxis, was created by a group of the Forum's Global Shapers and announced in Davos on Friday.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Greening Zurich's taxi fleet

Greening Zurich's taxi fleet

Zero-emission Nisan LEAF electric taxis ready to clean up the streets of Switzerland’s finance capital

Zurich in Switzerland is the latest city to start operating a zero-emission taxi fleet. Following in the tyre tracks of Amsterdam, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sao Paulo, Zurich will soon have a fleet of pure electric Nissan LEAF taxis offering rides around Switzerland’s largest city.
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