
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Oslo, the EV capital of Europe

Oslo, the EV capital of Europe

Free parking in public spaces.  Free charging.  Free access to bus lanes. No sales tax. With nearly 19,300 electric vehicles on the road in the Oslo region - including Nissan LEAF, the world’s best-selling EV - Norway’s capital is an inspiring EV model for other cities to follow.

In this video Oslo’s Mayor Stian Berger Rosland explains how long-term incentives can help cities transition to zero-emission mobility.

Carlos Ghosn visits Oslo, the European capital of electric vehicles

On Monday 8th April, Renault-Nissan Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn hosted an intimate gathering of media in Oslo, Europe's electric vehicle capital, and spoke about the new Nissan LEAF and his vision of zero-emissions mobility. 

"The momentum is building around electric cars," said Mr. Ghosn. Sales of the Nissan LEAF surpassed 1,300 vehicles in March in Europe, and exceeded 2,200 in March in the United States.
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