Nissan LEAF

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

How the Renault-Nissan Alliance is electrifying the world

How the Renault-Nissan Alliance is electrifying the world

With a full range of pure electric vehicles, Renault and Nissan are the global leaders in sustainable mobility.

The Renault-Nissan Alliance has spent many years perfecting a range of silent-running electric vehicles that produce no tailpipe emissions whatsoever:
-   Family cars
-   Chic urban transport
-   Compact hatchbacks
-   Practical vans

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Making a big noise... on the quiet

Making a big noise... on the quiet

A pair of Nissan LEAF zero-emission electric taxis has hit the streets of Brazil’s biggest city.

It’s the result of our partnership with the Sao Paulo municipality, which is designed to show how a fleet of electric taxis will improve the quality of life there.

Within a matter of months, they will be joined by eight more Nissan LEAF EV taxis, all running around set routes inside the Sao Paulo beltway.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Devil in the details

Devil in the details

Faced with a new kind of car never tested before, one man's unenviable mission was to solve all the electric vehicle's safety conundrums.

There is a man who has the heads-up on all the dangers you might face in a Nissan car. His research field is inexhaustible: Everything and anything that can happen to a vehicle. Whatever minute occurrence life throws at a car, it's his job to test it out.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Nissan, GE Showcase Future Smart Grid with EVs

Nissan, GE Showcase Future Smart Grid with EVs

At the 2012 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress in April, about 12,000 engineers from around the globe were in Detroit, Michigan to talk about where the auto industry is going.  In two words…getting connected.

“When we chose ‘get connected’ for this year’s theme, it was not meant in just the obvious way of connecting electric vehicles to the grid.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Getting turned on to Electric Vehicles

Getting turned on to Electric Vehicles

Which is Europe’s most eco-conscious city? Nissan aims to find out with the launch of a far-reaching campaign designed to ‘turn on’ one million people to the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) in just 100 days.

The Big Turn On will use digital and social media to switch Europe on to a zero-emission future. Advocates in the UK, the Netherlands, France and Germany will be encouraged to pledge their support for EVs by clicking the ‘turn on’ button on the campaign’s website –

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Going underground with Nissan LEAF

Going underground with Nissan LEAF

Deep beneath the earth, 100 miles south east of Nashville, Tennessee, lies a marvel of nature. The Cumberland Caverns, which stretch for more than 27 miles/43 km, are among the largest caves in the world. And now they’ve become the latest proving ground for Nissan LEAF.

Carved out by nature over the past three million years, the Caverns are a mecca for visitors, adventurers… and for music fans from all over America.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Electric Highway gets switched on

The Electric Highway gets switched on

Fancy driving from Canada all the way down to the Mexico border without any tailpipe emissions? Well, before long, drivers in America will be able to do just that.

The first stage of the West Coast Electric Highway has been opened, giving drivers of electric vehicles a network of charging stations covering the southern Oregon corridor of the Interstate 5 highway.

Situated at roughly 25 mile/40 km intervals, the first eight charging stations were officially opened last week. Two further stations will be opened in the spring to cover a stretch of I-5 almost 300 miles/480 kms long.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Racecar driver Krumm all charged up about EVs

Racecar driver Krumm all charged up about EVs

Professional driver Michael Krumm and his wife, Japanese tennis legend Kimiko Date-Krumm, will soon take ownership of a Nissan LEAF. In this video interview, German-born Krumm talks about their decision to drive a zero-emission car.

Krumm, one of three drivers taking the wheel of the new Nissan DeltaWing at the Sebring endurance race in Florida this weekend, also describes his passion for testing EVs and their potential future in racing.


Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Amsterdam’s TAXI-E takes zero emission push to the streets

Amsterdam’s TAXI-E takes zero emission push to the streets

Amsterdam - In the European capital estimated to have more bicycles than people, Amsterdam’s zero-emission push is finding a 21st Century foothold: electric taxis.

Last November, private company TAXI-E began service of a green fleet of 10 Nissan LEAFs in the city called “The Venice of the North”.

Each one of Amsterdam’s 3,000 taxis normally emits up to 35 times more carbon dioxide than a regular car.

And that, to TAXI-E founders Ruud Zandvliet and Edvard Hendriksen, signaled a green-field opportunity.

“Funny enough, we saw the Nissan LEAF entering the market and that was, for us, the moment we thought it’s probably possible to start a successful taxi business using electric cars powered on green energy, and we can greenify a traditionally polluting market,” said Zandvliet.


Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

How the Renault-Nissan Alliance electrified the Alps

How the Renault-Nissan Alliance electrified the Alps

Sub-zero temperatures, piping hot chocolate, world leaders, entrepreneurs, issues, solutions… and electric vehicles. That, in a nutshell, sums up the week spent by the Renault-Nissan Alliance team in Davos, Switzerland, during the 2012 World Economic Forum.
Watch our video to see a recap of what we got up to, meet a few of our visitors and hear from the Alliance CEO Carlos Ghosn and Renault's COO Carlos Tavares amongst others. Also, see the Nissan LEAF and the Renault Fluence Z.E. in action.

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